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Will this game be sold on Steam?
One more thing, quickly release the full version。

It will be! We'll do our best! ❤️

when is the releaseee?😞

This isn't at all official, and take it with a grain of salt, but we're aiming for November...! 😭


I'm willing to wait! 😣


team robo fr giving us the cyber punk release treatment

😭We're sorrryyyy😭

(If you haven't already, feel free to join our Discord for updates on progress!!)

oh bet

chop chop indie dev team


Im late but this update is cool and neat and brought a smile on my face. Since school is stressing me out nowadays, i need a break and your game restored me back to full HP. Keep up the good work, devs!!!

Thank you so much! 💕

Hello, this must have probably already been asked, but I wanted to know if there will be translations into other languages such as French? 😣

Hello! We absolutely plan for translations into other languages, but which ones (French for sure!) and how long they'll take after the English release is unknown. Thank you!

Yeah! I really enjoyed playing the demo, and I'm happy to know that a French translation is planned. Thank you for that!

how much will the game be

Planning to sell it at approximately $8 US!


Holy!! i can't believe its been three years since my last comment and look at how far we've come!! coming from the legacy demo and seeing the improvements on, well, everything, including some of the CGs (the sunflower field one to be incredibly specific), in the new trailer filled me with so much joy.

the prologue was absolutely stunning- from the UI, to the music, to the art!! i really enjoyed the shift in perspective especially. getting a sort of third party view of B and her crew before we delve deeper into their dynamics and the reasoning for the groups falling out in the full release. i think it was a good way to give us a little taste without revealing too much and leaving the mystery for us to discover later. with the added bonus of adding a new lovable character (that i already wish to see more of :3) to your already stacked cast. ahh,, it makes me all the more excited for the game to finally be in my grabby little hands. i am certain the wait will be worth it!

hope you all at TeamRobo are doing well and taking care of yourselves always <33 take all the time you need,, we'll be waiting patiently to play the game that you all are proud of.


Ahhh, thank you very much inelegance!! It really makes us happy to hear that we were able to hit those notes we were aiming for ♪ We will do our very best!

why is the proloug so different from the legacy  demo


Our vision for the game has changed quite a bit since the legacy demo, more embracing traditional visual novel styles. The prologue reflects our current writing better but is intentionally limited in scope and art to quickly tell a short little story. Our screencaps and gameplay trailer show what the full game will look like — basically, a mix of the prologue and the legacy.


understandable have a nice day


full game when

 😭 Oh how we wish we knew... Aiming for September, but won't make any promises for now!


aw, i remember playing the demo back in 2020! it looked so different back then. this new change is nice, though. can't wait for the full release! 🐔


i have to say, this game will always be in my heart, i'm really excited about the full release and i cant wait to play it !! you guys are amazing. 


Such a pretty art style and writing. I cant wait for the full release!


I'm so excited for its release!! But i want to ask something, Would there be any romance? like, Can we choice to romance one of the characters?

Thank you so much~! There aren't any romantic options, as the game is focused on friendship!


what ancient sorcery did y'all use to create something as perfect as the character of Sakai Ei???


Hihihi we're flattered 🤭 We hope you like her in the full game!


I saw that on the steam page it said that it won't work on MacOS 10.15 Catalina or above, can I still play it or would I have to find some other way of doing so?


Okay so this is just a little bit complicated, but given our current engine, any Mac build on Steam won't accept anything below 11.0 (apparently).

We should still be able to release a build compatible with MacOS 10+ here on Itch, just like the prologue.

We'll let you know if this turns out to be false somehow, or if we find some way around this (admittedly, we haven't looked into it too hard yet) We're sorry for any inconvenience!

Thank you! I look forward to being able to play!


I also want to know if the game will be free or you pay for it


It will be paid for, with a planned price of around $8 US.

(1 edit)

I forgot to mention that system requirements are OS 11+ and mine is well over that, so is it something on your end or steam's? Sorry if you said it already, I just need more elaboration.

(1 edit) (+1)

No worries! But I think I might have misread your post? If you're on MacOS 11 or above, you should be able to run the game fine.

So, in Gamemaker (our engine), there's a certain method of compiling that's required to make a Steam build. (Specifically: VM vs YYC. VM being the build on here, YYC being the build required for Steam)

Trying to test that build on our 10.15 Mac tells us that 11.0 or later is required to run the application.

We haven't tested it on Steam yet, but we assume it'll be the same as trying to run it from the desktop. Maybe it might be something to do with our settings. We'll be sure to look into it more!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the clarification! I got worried about Steam telling that i can't play the game, but i do wonder why would steam tell me that it won't run with 10.15 or above even though the specs says I can play it? Usually when this happens, it's because steam thinks that the game runs on 32-bit and not 64-bit, could that be the issue and is there a way to change that?

(1 edit) (+1)

OH, I finally see what's happening. I opened up the Steam page on my Mac 10.15 and I'm seeing that same odd notice about 10.15 or above, etc. This might have something to do with our settings for Mac build, we'll look into it and see if we can have that rectified (it should certainly be 64-bit, and be totally compatible!) 

Thank you so much for drawing our attention to this!


So far I love this game already. I can't wait for the full release!


Thank you for playing the prologue ❤ We're so glad you enjoyed it!


I'm not done all the way but I love this game already! B/Shion's really relatable to me honestly and I love A/Ei so much. I'm excited for the full release! Though, I don't if it's just a me issue or other people have already brought into the attention but game crashes a lot for visual reasons and if no one did, I wanted to tell before the full release so it can be worked on!

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! If you've played it, did this occur at all in the Prologue? It uses quite a different build (the one the full game is being built off of).

We haven't received any reports like this yet as far as I can remember, but either way we'll be certain to look into it!

I wasn't allowed to play the prologue at all unfortunately. My computer prevents and it says it could cause security risk

Thanks for letting us know! Ahhh... that's a whole other issue! Super strange if you can play the demo but not the prologue; not sure what would be causing that difference.  I'm not sure if you're still interested in trying the prologue (it's been a long time, after all) but do you think you could post a screenshot of the security risk error it shows you?

We'll continue to be on the lookout for your crash! And, if any of these errors appear in the full version (hopefully not) please don't be afraid to reach out again and we'll certainly try to sort through it!

Thank you so much!

(1 edit)

I am actually! I love the premise of this game after all. And this is the error it gives and while it's in my mother language it says "microsoft defender smartscreen prevented the start-up of an unknown application. Starting up this application could put the security of your computer at risk." edit: i think i solved it

We're glad to hear you solved it, and, if it ends up working all the way through, we hope you enjoy it!


im super excited for this game!! one question though, will there be a steam version for this game?

In fact, we've been preparing the Steam page recently, so be on the look out! Thank you! 🥰




cant wait for the release!!!!

Hello Team Robo!

I have been following the production of this game for roughly 3 years now, and I am so excited that we are almost to the end! This story has been a source of comfort for me for a while. I am so glad to have been on this journey with you.

This brings me to my difficulties with booting up the prologue. I think I managed to bypass the quarantine, but I have a secondary message that states that I do not have the permission necessary to open the application. I looked up various resources, and tried various commands in the terminal to open it up to no avail. This may be a personal issue, given that there are so many documented solutions to this problem, but I just wanted to bring it to your attention!

Best of luck with the game release! I can't wait.

(1 edit)

Hello! We're so sorry to hear about your troubles with this... We know of several issues surrounding newer Macs even past the quarantining issue. We're assuming yours is, at least, relatively new?

We've recently paid for an Apple developer ID and are waiting on them to approve this prologue for their system, which should solve a lot of issues. We'll be sure to let you know when we re-upload that build here. (Hopefully, the launch of the full game will be a lot smoother thanks to that as well!)

Finally, thank you so much for your patience and support all these years! We'll do our best!

Hello! We know it's been a long time, but just wanted to follow up in case you were still interested: we finally got that new version up along with new instructions.


Hi Team Robo!!! Thank you so much for getting back to me. I just downloaded the prologue and the application opened! Thank you thank you thank you!! I am so excited to play this game. Can't wait for full release!!!

Ah, I really want to play the prologue, but for some reason, I can't find the game file in the ZIP folder? I have a Mac, and when I open the ZIP folder, I go to: Tomorrow Will Be Dying -> Contents -> Mac OS -> Mac Runner. The Mac Runner is just an empty file and nothing runs when I double click it. My Mac is fairly old, and I've had difficulty updating the software. Could that possibly be the reason I can't run the game? I'm sorry if that was confusing, I still don't know all the right jargon to describe game files.

Oh no, sorry to hear you're having trouble with this Toby!!

On our 2012 Macbooks, we only need to double click the zip file and the ArchiveUtility extracts the application. We're unfamiliar with any other process (and Macs in general), so troubleshooting may be a bit more difficult. 

So, firstly, what year is your Mac and what version is it on? (And no worries about the jargon either!)


Ah!! Okay, I made an embarrassing mistake and completely missed the application in the folder I saved it in. The thumbnail completely blended in with the other files in the folder LOL But I played through the entirety of the game and everything worked perfectly! the music and ambient sounds were on point and beautiful, the art was amazing, and I enjoyed the pacing of the story and characters! I also loved the UI design, it was aesthetically pleasing and made everything really easy to follow and understand.

I'm glad that I was able to play the game and I'm even more excited for when it's all done! I hope everything else goes smoothly with you guys and hope you all stay well!

Ahhh gotcha SDFKG We're so glad to hear that it worked and that you enjoyed the prologue! As always, your kind words and support mean the world to us, especially now during the final stretch! Thank you! 💕💕

(1 edit) (+2)

I've been looking forward to this game since the Kickstarter and am very excited to see its progress! I absolutely love the art and direction, and wherever the game is going to go, I’m in. That being said, I have some concerns after playing the Prologue (I didn't play the previous Legacy demo so I will be solely focusing on the Prologue demo):

Firstly, without paragraph indents, spacings, or breaks to ease the eye, the written lines accumulate into an unwieldy chunk of text in each text box, hindering the reading experience. I enjoy story-heavy and text-based games tremendously, but the clumping of long lines makes the words difficult to follow and digest. With each click revealing a line that adds to the preceding bulk of text, the eye feels like it is weighed down without enough space to rest. I can tell the effort that went into the writing to provide immersive descriptions, but the presentation of the text box UI works against it. 

Perhaps each new paragraph can be indented like a regular book format, or blocks of paragraphs can be spaced out more, or more padding can be added to the text box UI, anything that can direct the eye better. Having long lines in a text box is fine, but it is more about creating a certain rhythm and pacing of reading with the form of the text. 

Another concern is the use of opacity to differentiate between the dialogue and action lines. I understand using this approach to distinguish between dialogue and action and give them some flavour, but as the opacity of the action lines was too faded, over time my eyes were strained in trying to see them. The shift in opacity between dialogue and action text becomes more jarring and distracting than fluid, I could read the dialogue more clearly simply because they were more opaque than the action lines, and it felt like a test on my eyesight sometimes haha… 

This is also not to say that opacity on text shouldn’t be used, but it should be used for effect. Lower text opacity can, for instance, give the feeling of quiet and distance. It makes sense when there was a “new voice” speaking, such that the translucent text aptly feels like it came from somewhere distant, or when someone is trailing off, and so on. But otherwise, to use it throughout the story in normal situations, the effect feels out of place. When combined with the aforementioned clumping of words in a single text box, reading overall became quite strenuous. Even if the text effect and UI remain as a stylistic choice, perhaps there can be an option to consistently darken all the text for better visual accessibility. 

Another side note would be to have clearer button feedback, such as giving a brighter highlight when hovering over a clickable button in the main menu, or even a sound effect. Such interactions can better inform the player of their input as well as give the game more ‘life’ as it responds to the player. 

On the narrative side, I find the prologue to be an interesting direction in setting up the main story, though I’m left with a bit of mixed feelings. This is mostly because the prologue is a small piece of the whole pie so I can’t judge the whole yet, but then again it’s also the beginning piece that frames the rest of the pie and sets up expectations. I enjoy the use of outsider perspective in stories and it is great to see how Eri develops apart from the main narrative, realistically showcasing how the threads of one person’s life can be both entangled with and stray from another, all while building up the main characters. The ending of the prologue provides intrigue as Eri’s tiny arc ends while the main characters’ concurrent stories are yet to be explored. 

While I enjoy this narrative approach for the prologue, I wished for a little more hinting at the main narrative and characters. When interesting tidbits regarding what happened to the main characters apart from Eri’s narrative were dropped at the end, the narration swept by it and continued to march on towards Eri’s conclusion. For instance, rumours that Sakai threatened Ashikaga with a knife? That sounds both badass and distressing! But for something that holds much emotional weight, the game brushes over it, circling its trajectory back to Eri, seemingly in haste to wrap up Eri’s story. While I like that the prologue didn’t overstay its due, there wasn’t exactly a strong sense of what the main narrative is about, and I left the prologue feeling like I know more about Eri and her small journey than the main characters due to how little we see of them and their conflicts (which are supposed to be the star of the game). Because it is so detached from the main narrative and self-contained, the prologue feels more like a side story than a framing of the larger story that is to come. It’s like seeds of the main narrative, conflict, and characters were planted sparingly, and then the narration pulls our attention away to focus on the growth of a distant plant. Yet again, because this is a demo, maybe the full game will be able to transition to the main characters’ perspectives and tone smoothly, and introducing Eri’s mini-story first will make sense in the overall narrative even if she may or may not appear again or be relevant to the main story. Maybe Eri would wish she had reached out to Ashikaga after all even though they had only shared small moments together, I don’t know, but I hope such opportunities for emotional impact can be expanded upon more, and I hope it works out as I believe in the team’s creative direction.

I raise these concerns because the game has great potential to play with the medium of visual novels and provide a stunning experience. The art is, as always, an extremely beautiful and eye-catching feature. Nevertheless, the ease of reading is a crucial make-or-break, especially for a heavily narrative-driven visual novel. I want to recommend this game to people, but I can also understand if they may be initially put off by the clunky appearance of the text at this point. Moreover, for a game that very much hinges on its storytelling, perhaps beta readers/testers can be used to check and ensure the quality of the narrative experience. I really hope for this game to succeed and be the best version it can be, so thank you for your hard work and all the best! :)


Ah, thank you so much for the feedback! It's great to receive some tips for the UI; all of your suggestions sound great! Small indents and then spacing between long paragraphs should be simple enough to implement. As for padding the textbox — just to clarify: you meant to add more empty space between the borders of the textbox and text? If so, that sounds good as well!

For the text: we did want to differentiate the dialogue from narration since singular textboxes often combine the two and, with the arrow and name tags, we didn't want to confuse readers as to when the character is actually speaking vs the narration. With that said, we will certainly consider an option to disable the effect, and/or look into other ways to differentiate between narration and dialogue contained in a single box. 

As for the narrative itself, we can only hope that the full experience will fully justify this prologue's existence, but that remains to be seen (though, being able to receive this feedback justifies it on the dev side of things, hehe). There isn't a lot of time left, so the possibility of getting beta testers beyond our editors and then implementing their feedback is a little iffy, but, as you say, it's probably a good idea. We'll look into this a bit more and see what we can do!

We really appreciate you letting us in on your overall impressions — we'll be sure to take them into account moving forward. We may or may not be adjusting this release just yet, but the prologue will be featured as optional side content in the main game and should have any of the aforementioned fixes for anyone who misses out on it here. 

Thank you for your support and well-wishes, that means the world to us!


😊 Haha thanks, it’s nice to know that the team is receptive and takes feedback seriously.

Oh, that was what I meant by padding the textbox, but it was also just off the top of my head, my suggestions are only just that of course, it's up to the team to decide what works best in the end! :)

When you mention that you’d be seeing how to fit dialogue and narration into one text box, I can’t help but wonder, why not give them their own spaces in individual text boxes, rather than trying to cram them both into one most of the time? Not to create an entirely new text box each for dialogue and narration, but that dialogue can be more reserved for the text box with arrows that points to the character speaking along with the name tags, and narration used more in the text box without the arrows. 

The instances where the prologue demo did this (such as Regular Textbox: [Narration only] >> Arrow Textbox: [Name tag] + [Dialogue only]  >> Arrow Textbox: [Name tag] + [Dialogue only] >> Regular Textbox: [Narration only]), even if it’s rather few, were the most immersive moments at least for me because reading flowed well alongside the character expressions. This is in contrast to instances like “Regular Textbox: [Narration about Eri jerking up] >> Arrow Textbox [Saki’s Dialogue] >> [Saki’s Name tag pops up]”. The Arrow textbox merging with the prior Regular Textbox feels incongruent with the starting narration of Eri which now has Saki’s name tag at the top. It may be better for the player to take in the narration of Eri jerking back in its own regular text box, and then encounter Saki’s dialogue next. There are certainly a lot more nuances that go into this, each moment would be different according to what is needed to convey their effect, but the most important bit is discerning the tempo of reading through textboxes and how it affects the player’s experience (which is why beta testers, or anyone really, who can see how all these elements come together might be handy). The game just needs to spread out the dialogue and narration text to prevent clogging up a single text box.

Nevertheless, I also completely understand the limitations of what can be done at this stage given that the release date is drawing near and I definitely don’t wish to add more to the plate. I get the sense that the text seems fine on paper, but when translated into visual novel mode, it becomes tricky to mold it into the game's design. Understandably, the comic-panel style of TWBD doesn’t fit in the ‘traditional’ VN model of standard text box at the bottom for both dialogue and narration so it’s an extra challenge. Indie development is tough, so if there isn’t enough time to fully consider everything, it’s alright if the game’s textual format stays as it is (I only hope for at least the option to have the text be consistently at full opacity as it gets harder to read over time). Thanks for considering my comments, and hang in there!⭐

(1 edit) (+1)

Understood and noted!

We went in knowing visual novels don't often have dialogue tags, but did end up throwing them in as fans of regular novels. As a result, we've just made this a just a tiny bit harder than it needed to be for ourselves! At the end of the day, though, it's really no problem — we're still in the process of editing/implementing, so we'll keep it in mind to try to split the dialogue from the narration when we can, especially for moments like the one you described (different subjects, etc). Readability is absolutely key!

Thank you again, we really appreciate it!


I remember playing the legacy demo a year or 2 ago and crying over the beautiful story telling and art, especially with the concept and vibes it gave me because it resonated with me a lot. I've fallen in love with this game and your team since then! Been keeping up with your monthly updates each time you upload and I'm so proud and excited to play the prologue and the official release! ^^ I'm sure the hard work and love you guys put into this will pay off!! 💖 I also cant wait to join the community that this may garner, and reading back on the comments ik that you said a discord server may not be made since work is busy, but hopefully in the future there will be one hehe GOOD LUCK TEAM ROBO 💖

Hhh thank you so much for the extremely kind comment, we're so lucky to have such patient and understanding readers that are supportive of our ever-changing vision of the game 😭 We truly hope the full game will be worthy of all this love! ♥


I'd gotten into this game a year after the demo first released and it'd been one of my most cherished experiences with media ever, and I'm super duper emotional right now as I'm about to play the prologue. You guys have worked so hard on this over the years and every second spent playing these games just reverberates all of the love imbued within them <33




Ahhh thank you for the extremely kind words, it always makes us happy to hear when people can feel the care put into the game (TT) We hope the prologue was an enjoyable time ♥


I cant wait for the full release 



I started the official prologue and I'm in love so far! There was a lot of improvements from the legacy demo :D I'm excited for the official full game release!

Thank you so much, we're glad to hear it! 🤍 We hope you'll enjoy the full version as well~

(1 edit) (+1)

Goddd I'm so glad to hear from this game again... :] I'd first played the legacy demo over two years ago now, and like a month ago I remembered about this game and replayed it, all happy to see we were getting so close :]

I was a bit scared when I read about this prologue being very different from the demo, since I was very fond of everything about the demo, but I ended up enjoying the prologue a lot<3 At first I couldn't help but notice all the differences, yeah, but soon enough I was just "yeah this is different but it slays too" :] I think the only thing I'll keep missing a bit is the old UI because I think its softer look blended in more nicely with the rest imo, but this new UI is good too:] And I like how the dialogue's color is just slightly more intense than the narration, it subtly makes it a lot easier to read to me:]

Anyway that was poggers and I'm really excited for when the game comes out !!!

Ah that's so nice! It's great to hear you enjoyed it despite the differences. We're hoping the final version strikes the balance between both just right for everyone, but we'll see. Thank you for the super kind words!

(1 edit) (+1)

been here since the first demo after finding about it through sunny side up's hiatus,,,, i can't wait for the full release! amazing art, characters and music!!!!

I honestly loved the concept of the first demo of the game, it seemed more soft, calming, and bubbly, and the way everything looked made it so much better, but I appreciate the new development of the characters I would just die for this to be an anime 😭😭❤❤

It always warms my (nonagon's) heart seeing people enjoy both Sunny Side Up and TWBD 🥺 Thank you very much for the kind words!!

Can someone pls tell me if B is a girl or a boy? Because there are moments where certain characters refer to the other characters as kun or san and she or he, including B. I also saw him wearing a skirt??? Can someone explain that to me? Was there a particular reason he wore a skirt or is it because he's actually a girl??? Because I thought he was a boy. Team Robo pls answer my question because I'm questioning my life at this point 😭😭 Also who is the new girl with this tracksuit is she actually supposed to B but her name is Eri instead I'm sooo confused pls clarify this for me

B's a girl, referred to as 'she' in the story desc above

i haven't played the prologue yet but i'm pretty sure eri's a new character just for the prologue, she's not B haha


a quick question, is the final version of the full games design gonna be the same as the prologue design? between the demo and the prologue, which mechanics and art styles are gonna be on the final game?

Good question! The regular sprite style will basically be like the demo but fully updated and redone. Essentially a mix of the two! As for CGs and backgrounds, those are close to the prologue, but a lot more detailed and fully fleshed out — what you'd expect from the demo.

Mechanically, you can expect the narration and dialogue styles to be just like the prologue, but there are a lot more interactive elements that carry over from the demo when you're playing as B.

You'll get a better picture of how everything will look in upcoming promo material we have planned, so please keep an eye out for it!


Hey, it's finally here! And faster than I expected (30 minutes later?) I have worked my way through the prologue.

To first talk about the prologue itself, I enjoyed it! It wasn't anything crazy, although I'd be more impressed if it was given its short run time. What stood out to me the most was, as before, the lovely art and the mellow soundtrack. I especially appreciate just how much time was spent with no backing track, which is an entire vibe of its own. I enjoyed the character dialogue quite a bit as well.

The story was fine. It's fun to see these characters again after the year and a half since I played the initial demo, and I also appreciate that Eri was very much her own character and that ultimately the short story was focused on her. I'd have liked to actually see snippets of the events at the end resolving rather than just having the remaining threads quickly glossed over, but hey, it serves its purpose fine as a demo product. Also, very interesting attention to detail to also have the yen counter adjust accordingly to the state of the story.

But yeah, it was cool. Thanks for putting out this entirely unique short visual novel! I also appreciate that you've left the original legacy demo available for download, because even if it won't be indicative of the finished product I do think that it has some good content in there for what it is.

Speaking honestly, if I had to pick between the legacy demo and the new demo for getting somebody excited about the game's full release I'd probably have to tell them to play both the legacy demo. Not because I think the systems or writing are superior necessarily, but I do think that the story that you get there is more interesting. There's just more meat.

Super excited for the game's full release and wishing y'all the best! I had today's date marked on my calendar for a while and was bummed to see the delay, but I'm glad you were able to drop a solid demo.


We're happy to hear you enjoyed the prologue! And we really appreciate your detailed feedback, it's honestly really great to hear in preparation for the full game next month.

Your points are totally valid! In making this, we set out to make a light and simple self-contained story (an appetizer?) to serve as a better look into what the new writing style/UI are like, and to have a little bit of fun with the Occult Club in a setting detached from the main story. With that said, there are little callbacks between the two that will hopefully serve as a nice bonus for having read it!

We can't make any promises, but we sincerely hope the full version doesn't disappoint. We're super glad to have your support~! 🥰


I really really love this game idea - and mention art is so good and atmospherical, feeling this all creates together is so awesomely pecuilar. I feel so lucky to have come across this!!

I have a few questions I'd like to ask:

1. I can't gather from the comments whether the final version will be costing money or not and what range of money it is. Is there any info on that right now?

2. I read you plan on maybe doing translations - do you have any ideas on the process it might bring? I would love to help localise the game for my native language speakers or at least to advocate for it! Or is that asking too far ahead?

Thanks for your time if you answer beforehand :)

(1 edit)


Yes, the final version will range around $8 US. 

We are certainly planning on translations, though how many languages we'll be handling isn't at all certain. The only thing we know for sure is it won't be an easy job! What might your native language be, if you don't mind me asking?

Thank you so much, we're so glad you enjoyed what you played through! 💕

(1 edit)

Thank you for taking time to answer!! Language I was talking about is Ukrainian :>

No problem! We haven't received any offers for a Ukrainian translation, so if you end up liking the game, we'd be happy to talk more about helping with a potential translation! ^^


This game is absolutely stunning. Everything of it is perfect. I love the music, the art, the story, the scenarios, the ambience... You did an outstanding job! <3


Hhh thank you so much for your kind words!! Comments like these truly keep us going <'33


I love this game so much, the story is told so beautifully, the music is so lovely and the art is stunning aswell. I'm so excited to see the finished product!!!! :DDDD


TT Thank you so much!! We hope it doesn't disappoint!


i absolutely love the game but I do have a couple question abt story stuff or whatever so the first thing is, although this game is finding yourself and making connections and bonds emphasis on that last part btw but ehem (insert smooth Segway into question) will there be any romantic implications between any characters or is it purely platonic? ik characters like c are a no go zone when it comes to that kind of thing but what about characters like mori and N?

uhm another question i have story wise, dw this is the last one will there be multiple endings? or is it completely linear? and how much of an impact will the player make on the story?

sorry im just i find the second and third questions important but the first one just came from a place of curiosity and a completionnist stuff


Hello, we're so glad you enjoyed the demo! As for your questions:

1. Other than some random romantic relationships in the background here and there, generally all the bonds in the game are intended to be portrayed as platonic. That's not to say we're against shipping though! (Within limits sdfjkkg) 

2. The game will indeed have different routes/endings! 2 separate routes and 4 endings to be exact. The routes are affected by your actions, but not in the usual sense where it relies on choices per se. That's all we'll say for now to avoid spoilers!

(3 edits) (+1)

okay! thanks if this game ever gets like superrr popular to the point of having a hudge dedicated fanbase and all that jazz i wont be suprised if almost everyone was shipped with b cuz at least through my eyes alot of players see b ass like the player asnd stuff


i love everything about this game! i know it'll be changed later on but the story and characters are so interesting! i am obsessed with A's style she is just so pretty!! the artwork for this game is amazing! my favorite scene was the forest everything was just so gorgeous! the amount of detail in this game is insane and i cannot wait for the full release!!


Aaaa thank you so much! We sincerely hope you'll enjoy the full version. Can't wait to hear what you think~ (*^▽^*)


The art in this game is really pretty :D and I absolutely love how the background and colors look


So kind of you; thank you so much! 💕


discord server?


Never got to making one, though we have thought about it! We're a bit too busy to manage one at this point ^^;

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