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Super duper stoked for this game!! The visual style and vibe is stunning... Take your time to polish the game and set a reasonable price for all the hard work u've put down, I will happyily pay u a lot to play this, it's gonna be a quality game for sure! :) 


Also I wanted to ask what engine u used, is it done in Unity i presume?


Ah, thank you so much for your very kind words! And we're using GameMaker Studio 2, actually! ^^

Aha I see! Thank you for your reply! :)


this is so beautiful. the art is ethereal and gorgeous, i love this world


Aaa thank you! <3


i just started playing and just met konbini and he is already my fav


We're glad you like him! Though, do expect some differences in the final ><


been a fan since the 2nd demo and yet i have still forgotten to write a comment or review.  damm.

anyway this game is amazing, a little sad that several of the plotlines are going to be dropped, mainly the "C runs away" one, but do what you need to do. hyped for the final game.

(sorry is this is hard to read, spanish is my first language!)


Ahh thank you so much! We hope that the mixture of new and old (but mostly new) plotlines will be worth the hype ♥ (and not at all, your english is great!)


is there a way to save progress? i cant seem to figure it out


Hello, sorry for the late response! Saving can be found in the notebook, which will appear in the top right if you hover your mouse there. We get this question a lot and will make it a lot clearer in the full version!


waaa has it really been two years since I first  played through this?! I am so happy to see that the full version is coming out in june!! I can't wait to play through it and I am very excited for more of the story!!


Ahhh we're so glad to hear that, thank you!! 🥺 We hope that despite all the changes made throughout the years, the story will still be an enjoyable experience! 


I forgot abt this game is so slay. The uhhhh the. The it would be silly if there is was when released translation resources so I could translate it into chinese for my frens (they dont speak english :0). Looking forwart to when the game releases!!!! (ITs the the day after birthday!!!!! slay.)

Hello, we're so glad you liked it! We hope to have an official Chinese translation sometime down the line following release. Thank you! ^^


when in june is it gonna release


Hi there, it's scheduled for June 15!


Helloooo! I downloaded the demo about 2 years ago now but I really just wanted to say it was extremely beautiful and already so put together. I'm excited to see the final product and hope you do more in the future


Aaa thank you so much for the kind words, we really appreciate that!💕 


I played the demo version!

It was a pretty, sad, tender game all the way from start to finish!

I'm not a good English speaker, but I still finished playing it, translating as I went along, hooked!

I'm Japanese, so the fact that it's set in Japan made me very happy! It made me feel nostalgic, like the anime I watched as a child.

I am looking forward to the full version! Thank you for making this game!

Sorry , translated with DeepL


We're so glad to hear that you enjoyed it, even through translation! Naturally, we're very keen on having a Japanese version available at some point. Thank you 💗


Even if there is no Japanese version, I'll still play it!


My wallet has been preparing for this for two years! Looking forward to the official release! Can't wait><

And I wonder if there will be further versions in other languages? Like Chinese?


Aaa that's so kind of you, thank you so much 💕

 We do plan to translate the game later on! How long it will take and how many languages we'll be able to do is still uncertain, but we'll do our best!


Looking forward to the next step! Please take care of yourself and don't be too tired. 

By the way, I am currently a senior English major in China. If you need Chinese translation, I will be happy to help!<3

That sounds great! There have been other offers for help with Chinese translations, but we will keep you in mind when we've hit that step, for sure. Thank you! ^^


Truthfully, I have never played a game where the mere art style itself made me feel melancholic until I played this game in 2021
I know it's just the demo, but in an odd way, something about a simple group of outcasts figuring things out in their life hits home
There is no pressure here, but I am excited for the full release 
And even if the full release won't be out (I mean hopefully not), the demo itself will forever lives in my head

Thank you and the best of luck to you Team Robo

Thank you so much for your kind words! As much as we emphasize that the full game will be very different from the demo, it still means a lot to us that it can still hold a lot of meaning to the readers here (T T) We hope the full version lives up to expectations!

Hey, I am sure it will be just as good, I'll be patiently waiting, in the meantime I'll probably read the dev logs


Very beautiful game !

Could I live stream Demo ?

(Sorry for my poor English.)

(1 edit)

Of course, feel free!  ^v^ Thank you!

Thank you !!!

(1 edit) (+2)

What a rollercoaster that was, I had no idea what was coming next and it kept me on my toes. Can't wait to see what the final version is like, definitely looking forward to more of B's story. 

Also, protect C at all cost


Ahhh thank you very much, we're so glad you enjoyed it! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) We hope the final version won't disappoint!


Will the final game take place right after the end of the demo or is it going to be a brand new experience from start to finish?

(1 edit)

It's actually going to be nearly completely reworked, and we're planning on posting a dev log detailing all that soon. ^^


I absolutely loved this game, the art was very pleasing and soft and the characters are really pretty too! You're doing an amazing job, i'm excited for the full release!! Will the full release cost money tho? 

Hello, we're so glad you've enjoyed it so far, thank you so much for your super kind words! And yes, the full release will cost around $8 US.


Thank you for letting me know!! :D

(1 edit) (+2)

This was just a.. Beautiful game. The art was amazing and the the music and story, and everything.. Just went together so well and it really was an amazing demo and had so much meaning in just that story so far. Cannot wait for the full release, this really was such a great game and I had so much fun playing it. Good luck on the project!

Thank you so much for playing and recording your experience with the demo; we're so happy that you enjoyed it! With all the changes we've made since, we truly hope the full version will all come together as you feel the demo did ^^


Hi, I apologize for being a dummy but I kinda don't understand how Kickstarter works... am I not able to back the project after the said period ends? I would love to support the project somehow and if I'm being honest, I also wanna get my hands on the wallpapers cause I love the art style and characters so much lol.


Hello, sorry for the late reply! Yes, the Kickstarter only lasted for a short amount of time, so backing's closed and so are the rewards, but we'll see what we do in the future in terms of merch and such. We really appreciate your support!


Hello,  i realy liked your game?and now I am loking forwar to its full release. Today i published an article on one of the sites, it is in Russian, but i will be glad if you rate it.

Link to my article

Wow, thank you for the article! It was great to read even through google translate, and we'll look out for any further articles you publish about the game! We're so glad you liked it and we hope you enjoy the  full version as well 💕


I am glad you liked it


I love it! just wondering, sorry if i am not well read or you get asked a lot, but will the full version cost money? I totally get if it does im just a little poor haha silly but i might buy it if im feeling quirky or whatevah


also u should think abt voice actors fr the beginig story i think it would sound coooooool :0


Thank you so much! Yes, the full version will cost about 8USD? 11CAD? We'll see. Also, yes, voice actors would be amazing, but that'd be a long way away.


is there a way for you to save the game? i didnt know how to so i just left and lost all of my progress :(

Oh no, we're sorry to hear that... Yes, there's a save feature in the notebook, which becomes available at some points of the demo. We get asked this a lot, so we definitely recognize it's a problem of design that we'll certainly address!

ah thanks alot, i played the whole thing and it is so beautiful. i love all of the characters, their stories, the dialogue, the artwork and many more. keep it up! :D 



Noooo not the Great Success Ramen! If it's any consolation, the food and money doesn't have much of a purpose in the demo, and the inventory system will probably see a big overhaul in the final version. We'll do our best to iron out these issues then. Again, sorry for the loss ;_; (and thank you for reporting!)

I can't wait to see how far this will go! This game has been great so far: plot, art, script, hooking the audience aspect- You got it all great! Sorry for the caps, I was panicking since B was at reaaally low hunger levels. 


i love this game a lot !!! was super nice and calming to play, i'm glad i did :] so excited for more!! 💕

Thank you so much, we really appreciate that! ^^


I’ve been putting off playing the demo because I didn’t want the anticipation for the final game’s release to kill me. But oh my god I should have played this when I first downloaded it two years ago. What immediately drew me in was the art, the style is so whimsical and gorgeously perfect for the slice of life genre. I was then hooked by the quirky introduction to the main cast, which I immediately fell in love with and would continue to fall further in love with as the story progressed. All of the characters have their own charm, are each lovable in their own way, and feel like living breathing people.  I felt myself relating to B a lot and began cheering them on as I progressed in the game. By the end of the demo, I was honestly not expecting to cry, but that last conversation with B and C really got me. This game was such an experience to play and I will wait patiently for the final game release. Amazing work, I can’t wait to see where their story ends.

Thank you so so much for your very kind words! You have no idea how much that means to us. While we've made some significant shifts in both the story-telling and art in the final release, we hope that regardless of the changes you will enjoy the full story when it's out! ♥♥♥

how to back in kickstarter

Hi there! The Kickstarter ended a while ago, but thank you so much for your interest!


amazing game! I love the visuals and the story, there are some bugs which I'm not sure if its just for me, when I got to the part where Hikaru gives you a gift, I had full inventory and so I had to toss some items, but when I clicked toss it didn't toss for me, I kept reopening the game and it was still the same, so I had to start from the beginning. Aside from that, there weren't any problems, the story is great and I will download the full release as soon as its out

Thank you so much, we're so happy you liked the demo and are willing to support the full release ❤ And we apologize about the bugs, other people have commented about separate problems before and we'll definitely make sure to iron out all the issues in the final product ^^


waahh i love this game! The clear style, the presentation, the art, the characters- it's all so fun. You can feel the love seeping through every little detail. The fact that game mechanics push the player to become MORE immersed like buying stuff with a budget is so smart and fun. I ended up doing a bunch of little silly things for these characters and audibly reacting to stuff. Like I bought a strawberry drink for C and got disappointed she didn't drink it and yelled at myself for not saving an orange when sho started dancing. It's absolutely amazing how quickly I fell in love with these characters and I can't even pinpoint how exactly it was done but I loved every second of it.
aughhaghdhg the story- its been a while since I've played but the demo ending is still fresh on my mind, it was relatable and the sort of bittersweetness people can't help but try to smile through GRGRG the way B's mental illness is written is such a breath of fresh air and something I find so accurate in its subtly of lifestyle. The game shows you how many times she's cooked ramen in the past and that's so cool like I paused and just looked at it for a little bit like WOW THE PPL BEHIND THIS ARE SO COOL its never woe is me I'm so depressed I hate myself I hate everything it's just. numbness and exhaustion. And I really appreciate that. The self pitying depiction of mental illness is a drag to go through and doesn't feel realistic to me at all I relate to B a crazy amount with the way she goes through her days, it feels very genuine ykwim? I don't want to write a whole essay about how lovely I find this game so I'll just cut it short here even though I want to praise this game to the moon and back, I can't wait to see what the final game will be like.

SBHDJSABH Wow, thank you so much for your kind words!

Seriously, we really appreciate hearing that, especially that our depiction of B's depression in particular feels accurate to you~ That's something we're really striving for!

That said, whenever we receive this much praise for our demo we always feel obliged to mention how much the game's changed in the final version (a lot!) We can only hope it will still be refreshing and enjoyable for you, albeit in a somewhat different way.

Again, thank you, and we really look forward to hearing your final thoughts when everything's said and done💕


i remember playing this a bit a month or two ago but my progress wasnt saved, ive been playing for about 3 hours right now and i love it so much, the artwork is beautiful & the story is amazing so far! i'm not usually a fan of visual novels but tomorrow will be dying has a real chokehold on me! i cant wait for the full release <33

Thank you so much for the kind words, that really means the world to us! (*^▽^*) 


Are there any plans on adding new voice works to the game?

Nothing as of now, but we can't say we haven't dreamed about it... Ultimately depends on the success of the release!

If you can fulfill those dreams, you can reach out to me as I do good quality voice acting.

Deleted 1 year ago

yayy thank you! It'll be quite a while still, but hope it'll be worth the wait!


Hey, I just wanted to let you know i’ve been following y’all’s progress for almost a year since i came across Sunny Side Up, and I really look forward to seeing the updates on how the game is going! Keep up the good work, and I can’t wait to buy the game whenever it is finished!

Awww this is so sweet (T_T) Thank you very much for your interest in both SSU and TWBD, we really appreciate it!! 💞 


I'll be waiting for the full release~ Looks so pretty!

Thank you so much! We hope the full game won't disappoint (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)


The game's art style looks gorgeous; Also, I have to say, the plot sounds exciting ~


Ahhh thank you very much, you're too kind! 💗💕


literally best game ever

Aww, that's so sweet, thank you! we really hope you end up liking the full game as well~! (/ω\)


i feel realy silly asking this but how do u save game?? theres no how-to on the loading screen and i dont want to have to keep skipping to the part im at by spam clicking and remembering all the options i made 😓😓

Hello! You can save when the notebook becomes available. You'll find the save tab in there. We get asked that a lot, we should really put it on the page somewhere. (It'll be very different in the final release)


hi!!! i need some help i cant start the game cus´ i click start and this appears




action number 1

of Draw Event

for object obj_Events1:

Data structure with index does not exist.

at gml_Script_scr_auto_event



stack frame is

gml_Script_scr_auto_event (line -1)



someone can help me? :((((((

Hello, if you're on PC, is everything from the downloaded zip file in one folder before you start the game? It should look like this: If that doesn't help, let me know. Thanks!

thank u, really but the actual problem is when i start the game.

first i see the screen were it says start load, etc.      i click start and it pop up a white block where it says smt about an error 



action number 1

of Draw Event

for object obj_Events1:

Data structure with index does not exist.

at gml_Script_scr_auto_event



stack frame is

gml_Script_scr_auto_event (line -1)



this is what it says i really hope someone can help me cus i know nothing about codes and game stuff like this 

sorry if i say something wrong english isnt very good 

Don't worry about your English, everything's coming across clearly :)

From the error, it seems like the 'txt' folder isn't in the right spot. If so, that would allow the game to start normally but you would not be able to go any further than the start menu, like you described.

Can you make sure everything's in the folder like in the screenshot?

Can't really think of anything other than that, so I'm really hoping that's all there is to it ><

okey thank you i will try it i i hope that i can solve it, thanks again love uuuu <3


played the demo last year & recently replayed it! i’ve never had a game hit me so hard before, it feels so nostalgic & comforting :) beautiful art, characters, & story! also love love love the gameplay. i’m so excited for the full version! 

(ps just curious: were you ever considering opening a merch shop after release? w/ stuff like the charms, posters, etc. from the kickstarter or anything else!) 

It's always nice to hear the game is still effective on a replay ^^ Thank you so much for your exceedingly kind words, we're so glad you're excited for this! 

As for the store: yes, we're definitely considering finding some avenue to sell merch following release (depending on demand and reception of the game probably), though to what extent and capacity we have no idea. Thanks!


Hello there! I haven't played the demo because I want to go in blind, but will you be releasing the full game on other platforms like steam? Excited for the release!

(1 edit)

We're so glad to hear you're interested in the game! And honestly it's good that you're holding off on trying it out, as the demo is two-three years old with most of the content warped around as per the little warnings we left on the game page. It's quite a different beast!

Yep, we plan to release on Steam, though that's the only other platform planned for now. Thank you! ❤︎


This game is absolutely beautiful, no words can explain my love for this already. I cant wait to see more!

Aaa thank you so much! <3<3


The artstyle, the writing. This is so beautiful I can't wait for the full game. It really seems like you guys poured your hearts out to this game  ♡

Aaaa you're too sweet, thank you!! It always makes us happy to hear that people can feel our passion through the game 🤍


i love this game so much ♡, thank u

Aw thank you, so glad to hear you liked it! 💗 

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